VIRTUS for Presenters

Short Term Ministry

Verification of Good Standing: Short Term Services of Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Religious, and Laity in the Diocese of Covington

Bishops, priests, and deacons from outside the Diocese of Covington, and all religious and lay persons from outside one’s own parish, institution, or organization must be screened before being invited to minister or speak. A screening application must be submitted to the Chancery for every individual event, even if the prospective speaker/minister has provided service in the diocese previously. More detailed information and screening application forms are available on the Chancery webpage, (select “Speaker/Minister Verification). Advertising for an event may not take place until good standing has been verified and clearance given to accept the services of the speaker/minister.

New Employee Documentation and Payroll Requirement

The following Safe Environment documentation is necessary before a prospective employee is permitted to begin work for any parish, school, or agency:

  1. Registered online at;
  2. Submitted a signed statement agreeing to be bound by the Policies and Procedures for Addressing Sexual Misconduct;
  3. Successfully passed the required background check;
  4. Attended a Protecting God’s Children for Adults training session.

The Payroll Office is not permitted to process salary payments until there is assurance that these requirements have been fulfilled.

Background Checks

Diocesan policy requires a background check for all employees and volunteers. This is done through (costing $50) for employees and for volunteers, and is generated through each individual’s VIRTUS account.

If a person does not wish to use a credit card, a “token” may be purchased from the parish, school or agency and used online in place of the credit card. Employees and those who may not have the resources to conduct the background check should speak with his or employer, pastor, principal, or volunteer agency to request a token.

The background check is renewed every five years.

VIRTUS – Empowering God’s Children

Parish School of Religion/CCD programs must offer the sexual abuse prevention program EVERY year using the lessons in the VIRTUS Empowering God’s Children (EGC) Program. The lesson plans are part of a spiraled, age-appropriate curriculum that is in keeping with the United States Council of Catholic Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.

Empowering God’s Children-Training Requirements:

  1. Make sure parents are informed about dates of training.
  2. Parents who choose to “opt” students out of training must sign the “opt” out form. This form should be kept for one audit cycle. These parents should receive the parent lesson, in case they choose to train at home.
  3. All parents/guardians of students absent on the day of the program are to receive the parent lesson via email or in a confidential sealed envelope addressed to the parent/guardian. They should complete and return the “Parent Acknowledgement” form. It should be kept for one audit cycle.
  4. Two lessons are to be taught to each child in schools and PSR programs each year. Parents of homeschoolers may request materials from the Safe Environment Office at 859-392-1515.
  5. Additional training can occur, and is encouraged for other topics, such as dating violence, drug and alcohol prevention, bullying, suicide prevention and other social or mental health issues. These DO not take the place of the EGC program.
  6. All training must be conducted and recorded in the VIRTRUS system by April 1st of each school calendar year.
  7. Training for facilitators of the EGC program will be provided yearly (at minimum).

For more information regarding the EGC program or for information about additional training on a variety of topics contact the Safe Environment Office at 859-392-1515.